Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome Big Mattress Fans!

Welcome again Charles fans. Click here.


Lucille said...


The deal you cut with Charles for the cross-out code got me over here!

(Thought I'd be a smart sh*t and use the code in this post, but it doesn't work here.)

Anonymous said...

Squeak here- you remember me from such wonderful
websites as littlemattress podcast, and big mattress..
Here's to getting a bunch of hits!
love the blog- not so sure on laura bush or steven colbert though...
(did you know he's a practicing catholic?)

JBrummer said...

squeak: He's Catholic? Oh, the horror! :)

Just messing with you. My best friend is one of them, too. But she's very tolerant of the different ideas of others, so no worries. I'm sure she'll still pray for ya. :)

Anonymous said...

Humph.. I bet that Squeak dude doesn't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster either. F____ atheist ba__d!

Anonymous said...

big mattress fan feh
contempt bred while working there
know better I not