Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now THAT's a plan!

McCain�s Economic Plan For Nation: 'Everyone Marry A Beer Heiress'

Tina does it again

This is pretty goshdarn funny.

Anderson Who? Shepwho Smith?

I've got a new crush!

And according to, he's straight! Yay me!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How I Met Your Father

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Don't be a litterbug...

Anti litter message for the Karma age... harder hitting than a teary Native American, a fate worse than the Group W Bench:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"Who are you calling a pig, Mister?!"

Barack calls Sarah a pig.. or does he? Click here. Jane Swift thinks so. That must make it right.

Let me just think this through... If my husband and I are having a conversation with our neighbor, and our neighbor uses the expression, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," and my husband jumps up and yells, "That's a terrible thing to say about my wife!"...

Who do you think I'm gonna be mad at?

If I were Sarah, I'd smack John on the back of the head.

smack Pictures, Images and Photos

Just sayin'...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Guys: Pay close attention

I haven't been blogging lately. With current political events and gossip and rumors, I've been concerned about the role of the blogosphere. Yes, in general more information is good, but unreliable, un-sourced, my-cousin-knows-a-girl-who-said-she-knows-a-guy-who-did-blow-with-the-candidate-at-a-gay-bar stuff is irresponsible and in some cases reprehensible. So I've been hanging back and observing.

But today-- today! I am moved to blog this. No one can dispute the facts herein: