Friday, October 3, 2008

After the VP Debate: "Eliza Doolittle's Big Night?" OR "You Can Put Lipstick on a Pygmalion...?"

Governor Palin, do you see the current economic bill as a Wall Street Bailout or a Main Street Rescue?

"The Pain on Main's felt mainly on the soccer field... I betcha."

By George, I think she's got it!

Okay, okay... I'm stretching it a little, forcing the metaphor. Sarah Palin did well. No major gaffes, she connected well with the camera, she had her talking points down, there was no major blood letting. Well done, Guv'nor. And a "well done," "a pip pip cheerio," and a "cup cup cup cup of of of of tea tea tea tea" to the Henry Higginses of the McCain camp. My only complaint--I just wish I had my Palin Bingo card while I was watching:

This just in -- the top secret debate flowchart: