Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ode to Sunday morning breakfast

Flannel pajamas
Onions, garlic, sunny eggs
And You: That's Heaven

(Yeah, that really is a picture of my breakfast. Ain't life grand? IHOP schmihop, you know what I'm sayin'?)


noochinator said...

OK Choolie, we've seen the breakfast, now where's the flannel pajamas?

JBrummer said...

Oh Robert, you scamp you.

Danny said...

Not to mention...are the eggs poached or sunny side up? What's the sauce? Is that feta or blue cheese....etc. Come on girlfriend give it up. Oh, and Robert is correct, WHERE ARE THE PJ's??? You Tease.....

JBrummer said...

Yes, I do tease, ain't it great?

It's hard to fit ingredient lists into 17 syllables, and I figured "does anyone really care?" but since you asked, Danny,here it is from the bottom up:

-a toasted slice of Italian bread
-on top of that, spinach and onion sauteed in garlic and olive oil
-on top of that, a sunny side egg
-then fresh, sliced tomato
-and on top a quick cream sauce- green onion sauteed in butter with a little half and half added at the end of the sautee