Friday, February 15, 2008

Becoming Jane - The C-word Chafes America

Jane Fonda accidentally said the c-word on the Today show yesterday. Today we're all a twitter... (Herald article here.) The video is below, not kid friendly.

Warning- R-rated. Kids go to

"Oh Sh_t, I said 'c__t!'"

(Oh, come on, it's a little funny! They were talking about The Vagina Monologues. In the banner beneath her is written "The V-Word." C-word, V-word, potayto, potahto. It's a slip of like, nineteen letters. Cut her some slack. She lives in Georgia. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The broad's an idiot. Another reason to have 5 second delays. See, this is what happens when people get older. That part of the brain that controls impulse, the right frontal lobe turns to mush. Next thing we'll see is she, too, forgets to put on her underwear.
I never liked her anyway. Aside from "Klute", she was a lousy actress, kind of in the same league as Hoffman, Pacino, and Nicholson. Never became the character-just turned the character into, "See here I am again in a different outfit".