Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jiminy Glick

Yesterday I posted a video with Bill O'Reilly and Jeremy Glick, confounding MrEasilyConfusedMoss, as he was thinking of Jiminy Glick. Although they look alike, they are not the same man. Take your Ginkgo Biloba, MrMoss!

Here's another-- Jiminy Glick interviewing CNN's Anderson Cooper. It's not as funny as the above video, because Anderson basically giggles through the whole thing, but I just LOVE it, because I think Anderson is cute as a button! When his show was up against Fox News' Shepard Smith in the ratings, I always thought the two of them should just battle it out in a vat of jello. Or maybe warm chocolate pudding. Mmmmmm. But anyway, who knew Anderson Cooper was Gloria Vanderbilt's son? No wonder he's so natty! Loooooove him.


Anonymous said...

CUTE AS A BUTTON - “cute, charming, attractive, almost always with the connotation of being small, 1868 (from the original 1731 English meaning of ‘acute’ or clever). Cute as a bug’s ear, 1930; cute as a bug in a rug, 1942; cute as a button, 1946. Cute and keen were two of the most overused slang words of the late 1920s and 1930s

Anonymous said...

In making the smallish reference, I was condesending not to Anderson's stature or intellectual prowess, but only to his gender.

Anonymous said... you're saying he has a small "gender".....?