Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coffee Break Video of the Week

Amir and Streeter share an office at collegehumor.com. They're at war. Embedded below is the latest battle, Prank War 6.

War is hell. Only go back and follow these links if you have a lot of time and want to see the escalation. But catching you up so far:
Prank War 1: Streeter starts it. He splices a sex tape into Amir's favorite MP3.
Prank War 2: Amir poses as a girl on the 'Net, sets up a date with Streeter, and stands him up
Prank War 3: Streeter sets Amir up to make and send an audition tape for a non-existent role. Then he gets a conference room and plays the tape for the whole office.
Prank War 4: Amir secretly convinces the audience not to laugh for Streeter's stand up act. And to call him fat.
Prank War 5: Streeter gets Amir to fly to California for a fake audition, complete with real MTV guys.. an audition Amir is predestined to fail miserably. In the beginning of this video, Streeter says, "Good luck getting me back on this one."
Prank War 6: Amir's revenge (below.)

And now, continuing the war metaphor, you're about to see the Surge.
Warnings: They say the F word, so check that the coast is clear before playing. About six minutes long. You might wet yourself. Or be totally disgusted with humanity.


Anonymous said...

That is one evil little nerd. Who I imagine was sporting a big ol’ shiner after that shenanigan

Choolie said...

Watch some more of the battles. Streeter had it coming!

Anonymous said...

There are some things you don't do. Streeter may have had it coming, but former girlfriend of Streeter probably did not. Collateral damage in the humor wars...maybe. I'm thinking...not funny.

Simon said...

true on the girlfriend thing but two things to think about:

1. If you go out with a guy nicknamed Streeter you are taking your chances and perhaps deserve what you get.

2. If a girls posts this (Julie put it up there not a guy) as was the case here. We guys can get past the girl getting her feeling hurt and find the humor.

(plus she is probably laughing about it now. I mean how could a girl ever date a guy named Streeter and not have a sense of humor)

Anonymous said...

you may have a point about dating a guy named Streeter.........I'll give that small point. still.......not funny!

Choolie said...

Okay, MrMoss, we'll put you in the "not amused" column. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Me, I never dated (or married) a guy who WASN'T an Animal House wannabe. I think Streeter's girlfriend Sharon is fine. If she loves the dork enough to say 'yes' to his not-real proposal, then she'd better get used to that sort of thing. And don't underestimate her--I'm betting she'll get him back in spades.

Don't get me wrong though: those guys are way over the line, and if they go any further with regard to Sharon, she may understandably just go all Lorena Bobbit on them. And not a jury in the world would convict.

Anonymous said...

You gotta mix the highbrow with the lowbrow, with a little unibrow thrown in once in a while.