Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm so Green! And Smug! And my clothes are stiff as a board!

Photo: Sara Remington for the NYTimes.

We're finally wind and solar powered here at the Mind Your Own Reality Commune: I started hangin' out the laundry. Yeehah. Carbon footprint: shrinking. And we're composting and growing our own vegetables, and keeping bees and..

I just had a flash-- I've been getting them lately-- well, not that kind, although I get those, too, like someone just cranked up your internal pizza oven to "crispy." What is up with that? Is it not bad enough to get grey hairs and fine wrinkles and 7 pounds around the middle? Must we sweat like linebackers, too? But anyway, the other kind of flash-- the one where I rise up out of my body, look back at myself, and see my mother in the 1970s. The only things I'm missing are I don't make my own clothes (but I wish Mom were still here to teach me how), and I don't have one of those Another Mother For Peace pendant necklaces like Mom did:

Oh yeah, and my Mom wasn't smug... But other than that, pretty close. So I tell you what-- I'm gonna be another mutha and get me one of them there necklaces. (Then I'll be smug and fashionable.)

What was it that crazy French guy said on Cheers once? "Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose."

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."

(Smug, fashionable and pseudo-intellectual.. hmmm. Maybe not like Mom at all. Maybe more like Cliff Clavin.)

Oh yeah, the point of this whole thing-- did you know they have ordinances against clotheslines in some communities? I guess folks are too fragile to see the dainties of others flapping in the breeze. Ain't we precious?

If you need help exercising your right to dry: go here.

June 10 Update: Heat wave...4 days of 95 degrees. Screw global warming. And smugness. I'm turning on my AC. Carbon footprint - EXPANDING. Oh, well..

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