Monday, January 7, 2008

Saturday Night's, Back-to-Back Republican and Democrat NH Debates

I sat down with a clipboard for THE BIG GAME, thinking I would jot down many bloggable notes. Turns out that the clipboard jotting down thing is trickier than it seems. I didn't get much. But what I got, I will share:

Republican debates- McCain, Thompson, Paul, Romney, Huckabee, 9iu11iani

Note #1: "I like this format." It was a conversational debate format, much better and more human than the usual format which turns the candidates into PolitiBots.

#2 "Smackdown Ron Paul." Boy those other candidates have no respect for the Paultard-in-Chief. (That's what calls him. But since my wonderful husband likes Ron Paul, instead of referring to Ron Paul supporters as "Paultards," I will instead use "Intelligent, Hunky, Ron Paul Devotees Who Are So Helpful In The Kitchen."

#3 "Thompson-preemption." Charlie Gibson asked some really good questions. One was whether the candidates believe in preemptive wars. I thought for sure the Repubs would take the opportunity to distance themselves from the current administration here, but actually they didn't. In fact, Fred Thompson stepped up to the plate and strung together several cogent statements in support of preemption in this time of stateless war which although I may not agree with his views, I did give the "Huh."-pucker-with-impressed-nod look to the televised candidate. Again, I was surprised Old Fred was awake, but I'm starting to think he's a sneaky old fox, and he just might rack up a few points in the South.

#4 I asked my clipboard: "How old is Thompson, McCain, was Reagan?" And this morning wikipedia answered, "Fred Thompson will be 66 this year, McCain will be 72, Reagan was 69 in 1980."

#5 And lastly, I and my clipboard agree, "Mitt has stupid hair."

The Democrats: Edwards, Obama, Richardson and Clinton

#1 "Edwards and Obama team up on Hill?" - Edwards decides to do an us-against-her thing which was very noticeable. Interesting strategy. I wonder if he and Barack will be getting BFF (best friends forever) tattoos.

#2 "Bill Richardson smacks down Obama and Edwards on agents of change versus experience." Richardson seemed out of his depth in this crowd, but did manage a few great admonishments of the tag-team duo. Richardson still seems to be campaigning for Hill's VP (or Hill's valet. I'm not sure.)

#3 "Hillary: 'That hurts my feelings' - Obama: 'You're likable enough, Hillary.'" The question to Hillary was about her strategy in view of the fact that Obama comes out better in likability polls. Her quip, "Well, that hurts my feelings" got a good laugh. She went on (not exact quote) "He is very likable! But I'm not that bad am I?" to which Obama replied, "You're likable enough, Hillary." Only he didn't seem to mean it.

#4 "Hillary kicks maximum ass." I know, many of my friends and family do not want to see me say that. But I'll tell ya, when asked the tough questions about what-would-you-do-in-this-hypothetical-crisis, she gives the best, most complete, competent answers.

One last note: On Meet the Press yesterday, Tim had on a couple of veteran political strategists, a republican and a dem, neither currently affiliated with a presidential campaign. When asked who they thought would be the nominees, they both agreed: Obama and McCain. (Surprising, no?!)

[Which reminds me, hey, clipboard, is Tim Russert gay? Because I was finding him rather adorkable yesterday with his little puns and what not. I don't want to have my little crush crushed again by another closeted newsie...]


Anonymous said...

Choolsie: Word for word, letter for letter, sentence for sentence- you are still my favorite writer in this universe. No shit- you're really good. (If I had your wit and talent, I would have retired in the 80's..)
But don't get a big head- get back in the freakin' kitchen and get those pots and pans sparkling!

Anonymous said...

Go Hillary!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary has had more practice with the big questions. She fielded them while being the First Lady ...

Anonymous said...

Don't fall in love with those news guys -- they were all theater majors!