Friday, January 18, 2008

Da stress. Da strain. Da Patriots.

I had to share this article from the Herald. This guy feels my pain: click here.

Anybody want to comment on the Randy Moss thing? I'm looking for guidance. I don't know what to make about the he said/she said. As a Pats fan, I want to call her a gold digger with suspect timing. As a woman, I worry about his past: Randy says that he has never laid a hand on a woman in his 30 years, but google informs me this morning that he did hit one-- a female traffic cop-- with his car. That story here. And then, since I'm a relatively new football fan, it was news to me that there is a phrase for such events:
Randy Ratio: the number of distractions Randy creates versus the number of touchdowns
We don't need this right now! Doesn't he understand that we fans are on the edge?! And this puts even more strain on female fans. There are women's advocacy groups calling for him to be benched with pay until the issue is cleared up. So now I must choose between Sisterhood and New England Patriotism.

A commenter on said, "Randy I don't care if you beat up my sister. Keep winning." Sure. Real funny for the boys. But if a woman laughs at that, her uterus falls out. (Karmic law.)


Anonymous said...

My plan is to stick my fingers in my ears and go "la la la la."
At least until after the Superbowl. Hopefully, Brady will do the same.

Anonymous said...

Choolie, don't get distracted by that. We have the chosen one leading us. Quote from a espn article (article was about what announcers are really saying when they say something. This one was listed as "you can take at face value"

"Tom Brady is a beautiful, beautiful man, perfect in every way. I wish I could be him. I wish I could live inside his cleft chin forever, subsisting on nothing but his stubble, dried aftershave and the saliva of supermodels."

ps. in relation to your other blog, given your unerring gaydar that you have in relation to who your attracted to, i suggest this is probably a good time for relfection/discussion between simon and you. That blue dress may have been more appropriate then you imagined.

Anonymous said...

You know what my advice to you, Choolie is? Who cares. Other people are paid to care and sort out the evidence and testimony. If we care about everything that comes across our consciousness, flashes before our eyes constantly, thanks to 24/7 internet, TV, radio, if we try to put a moral label and a value label on everything, then our brains just get filled with stuff. Prioritize the stuff that we really need to care about. Think like a manager and Learn to delegate concern and worry to your underlings.