Now for my task, it'd be easy to just post a picture of Marky Mark Wahlberg and call it a day. I mean, Schwing!:

Ahem, anyway. I'm not going to go those routes for this Estrogen Wednesday. Instead, I'm going to use this forum to tackle an important issue: Charles' Blog Author Photo. You know, the one in the top right corner of the blog. The one that changes every other day or so. What's up with that? How hard is it to choose a photo? You've got your color scheme, your theme, your motivation, expression, shape, size... Ah.. girl stuff. I'm thinking here's a guy who needs the help of an estrogen brigade. So step up, women. Sound off, vote, and use those female hormones to the common good.
Item One - LadyArtist's Masterpiece

Let's hear a group "Awwww." Isn't she talented? This is clearly Most Awesome. But it's an election year, and Charles-Bama is looking for CHANGE. So, like rearranging your bra drawer to move the fushia push-ups to the front and put the comfy, white cotton, no-poke underwire ones in the back for a little extra SASSY!, so too, must we put away our favorite for a while to rock da house.
Which brings us to...
The Blue Shirt/Glasses One, aka "The Gay One"

And then finally, the most recent contender:
A Farewell to Arms, aka Captain RedShirt
First, let's give a shout out to the photog. Nice job, clearly posed and composed. That being said-- maybe it's the facial expression, but I don't know that guy. Is this an Ernest Hemingway dustjacket? Does this stranger have indigestion or is that a pirate smile? I dunno. I've never seen that face before.But, in the plus column, the blue photo background is handy for photoshop.

Yes, yes, I suck at Photoshop. It's not even really Photoshop-- too expensive-- it's Photoshop's trailer trash cousin, Microsoft Paint. That's not the point. The point is, Charles needs your help. His authorial identity, his Blogmeister Image, the entire Feng Shui of his site depends upon YOU.
Do you prefer Charles in a blue state or a red one? Does size matter? And can somebody please do better than I did with Photoshop? (Send Photoshop entries to Charles' email.) Vote in the comments back at early and often!
This just in-- from LadyArtist.
And two new ones:

He should have left his eyes alone. Charles's problem is he's retired and has too much time on his hands. He looks better in glasses and that expression in the glasses picture is Charles being cute and charming, like, when he wants something from you, like lamb in a red sauce over penne.
That other picture? if I was worried about him becoming too thin, in that picture I'm worried he's hit the sauce. No, not so much liquor, even though we all know his love of libation, more like carbonara or alfredo.
You tried, but I don't like this new picture at all. I guess I just want to see Charles the same was as I last saw him. And this is NOT him.
2008 or 1976 he has a face that belongs on radio!
This woman likes the so-called gay one, because it looks sincere. Trouble is, she's never met Charles and has no idea whether he IS sincere or whether any of these photos even looks like him.
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