Here's a list of "blunders" in best picture winners and "notable nominees."
There are 90 of them. Who is this observant? Who is this anal?
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My personal favorite:
10 of 90 :
"Gangs Of New York"
2002 Best Picture Nominee
Just before an 1846 street battle, Priest Vallon recites a prayer: "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil." Unfortunately, that prayer wasn't written until 1888.
Chortle, chortle. Oh, silly movie people -- didn't know the prayer was an anachronism. They must've fallen asleep in Comparative Religions of the 19th Century class! Oh, how intellectually superior we feel! Chuckle, chuckle. Snicker. Dungeons and dragons, anyone? I'm Dungeon Master!
Runner Up:

36 of 90 :
"Rain Man"
1988 Best Picture
Raymond (Dustin Hoffman) says his father removed him from his home on Saturday, Jan. 21, 1965. Jan. 21, 1965 was a Thursday.
We know that! We were just trying to drive you OCDers crazy! Bwahahahahah!
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