Charles posted this on his blog, so I apologize to those of you who have already seen it.
For those who haven't seen it, this is the bomb.
The Empire Strikes Barack:
Okay, okay, I'm an Obamaniac.
For the record: on his blog, Charles said Hillary Haters from all sides will love this. I never thought of myself as a Hillary Hater. I'm a person who is Extremely Annoyed by Hillary. Again and again throughout the campaign, she has thrown issues at Barack-- like his statements about Reagan for example. That's the first one I remember. He explained what he meant in a way that everyone could understand-- and I'm sure Hillary understood, she had made previous similar statements herself-- but she continued to spin his statements the wrong way. Every time he makes a gaffe and explains or apologizes, she continues on as if she never heard the explanation- WHY? Because she thinks WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THE EXPLANATION. Which means she thinks we're stupid. Call me Otto, but that drives me nuts:
Like Otto, I am sometimes not exactly correct.. And I know I'll take some heat here from people who don't like Obama's explanations. That's fair. But even if you fall into that category, you can't deny that Hil thinks you're stupid. Arugula-gate labels OBAMA elitist? Uh-uh. Those farmers he was talking to know exactly what arugula is. (To quote that mook Vinny Antonelli (Steve Martin) in My Blue Heaven, "It's a veg-eh-tah-ble.") And guess what? Hillary didn't have to look up "arugula" either. Sure, perhaps the price of arugula at Whole Foods wasn't first on the farmers' agenda... but if they make their living growing veg-eh-tah-bles, then they are aware that arugula is popular in some markets, and shopping for that veg-eh-tah-ble at Whole Foods is probably an experience that Barack has actually had at some point. Wouldn't it be disingenuous if he drawled, "Y'all seen the price o' grits down the Piggly Wiggly?" Citing a "Bubba Gap" because Barack mentions arugula is not dissing Obama, folks. It's dissing Bubba. But we're not smart enough to figure that out, because Hil will drink a Bud with us.
“ I never thought of myself as a Hillary Hater.....“ says Choolie. ..but, like the saying goes: ”If it walks like a duck.. etc.“ but I guess my question to you would be, ” If it comes down to Hillary vs. McCain this November- Really- Who would Choolie vote for..?“ (like I said, if it walks like a duck...)
Anyway, you can lift shit from my blog anytime- and you don't have to give me credit- I steal your shit all the time and take credit for it all the time.
Charles, Who was your English teacher? (Is he dead?) What kind of sentence stucture and coherent though process is THAT???? this must have been after a patrone binge with Cisco.
“ I never thought of myself as a Hillary Hater.....“ says Choolie.
..but, like the saying goes: ”If it walks like a duck.. etc.“ but I guess my question to you would be, ” If it comes down to Hillary vs. McCain this November- Really- Who would Choolie vote for..?“
(like I said, if it walks like a duck...)
Anyway, you can lift shit from my blog anytime- and you don't have to give me credit- I steal your shit all the time and take credit for it all the time.
Who was your English teacher?
(Is he dead?)
What kind of sentence stucture and coherent though process is THAT????
this must have been after a patrone binge with Cisco.
and you talk about me????
Yeah, yeah,
Chas, It's just to easy to hate Hillary. She is a shrill Lying Bitch! Hillary vs Mccain? That's easy I skip the polls and go bowling.
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