I got a gazillion hits on this blog the other day when I talked about Tom Brady jetting off to Costa Rica with his GF Gisele. Now the Boston Herald's
Inside Track is talking about it again, with dozens of comments from readers who claim that Gisele and Tom are just way too cool to spend time with Brady's son and change poopy diapers, so they're escaping to someplace warm. I'm thinking they're escaping those commenters... There is some serious fascination with The Tom, people either idolize or
REALLY HATE him, with the "issue" of his being an absentee Dad the main excuse for the vitriol. It's kind of humorous. I predict there will be congressional hearings about it soon.

And, Mr. Brady, when you were fondling the supermodel in Costa Rica, were you thinking about your son?
Wait. I guess that's a bad question. Let me rephrase...
Yeah, I watched the Roger Clemens hearing yesterday. Is the Rocket lying? Maybe. Maybe not. But his accuser
definitely has lied, on several occasions, by his own admission. And we're trying to get Roger on drug use-- drug use so long ago that he can't be prosecuted anymore. Oh wait, we're not trying to get Roger on drug use, we're trying to get Roger on
lying about drug use.
So we're listening to McNamee-- a guy who has admitted to lying about drugs-- and we're talking about giving him immunity for lying about drugs, so we can go after Roger... for lying about drugs.
Is this the same congressional body who refuses to consider impeachment because it would be a "distraction?"

Wait... "distraction..." Didn't our Prez used to be a baseball owner? Oh, yeah... A reporter yesterday quoted an unnamed "source on the Hill" as saying the president wants cleaning up major league baseball to be part of his legacy. Mmm-hmmm. I wonder what was going on at the White House yesterday while all of the cable news networks had their cameras trained on Roger?
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