Saturday, December 29, 2007

Woof and Meow

Halfcent and I (he the "woof" and I the "meow") have an ongoing debate about the relative merits of Skankgelina Jolie and Chinnefer Manniston. Okay, maybe we talk about the relative faults. Halfcent the Dog sides with Skankgelina, and I gamely took up the catfight for Chinnefer. Here's a point for my side:

MSNBC, The Scoop

Note: yeah, it's a mean and small, meaningless and pointless discussion. But I spent most of last night watching Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper detailing how the recent political assassination in Pakistan is going to lead to global thermonuclear war, so I'm going to stick to celebrity gossip until my ulcer heals and my fingernails grow back.

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