The National Enquirer reports (click here for link to story on Enquirer's website):
Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have announced they're planning to return to TV on Jan. 7 — with or without their writers! "We would like to return to work with our writers," the talk show hosts said jointly in a statement. "If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence." Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Kimmel have all said that they will resume their programs on Jan. 2. David Letterman's return is still being negotiated.
I'm not so sure about that. I am giving Stewart and Colbert the
benefit of the doubt on this one, but normally it would appear to be a real blow, hurting the writers and their walkout. Am I missing
something here?
True, dude, but I'm being selfish. We need them back. It's a matter
of National Insecurity**. What is going to do it?
Also, as heads of the show, do they owe anything to the non-writing
people who work on their shows? Don't their kids deserve cheerios and
keds, too?
**I heard on a political talk show that we are losing the college kids-- they're losing track of the issues and opting out of Indecision 08 without the Daily Show and Colbert.
Count me in the Choolie "Selfish for National Insecurity" school! We need our Stewert and Colbert fix. Ofcourse they could make everyone happy by reaching a separate fair agreement with their writers, but they may not own their shows like Letterman does, which makes that option problematic. Choolie you must endeavor to ejumicate us on the labor issues involved here!
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