Sir Hollis sent me to this website he likes. It proposes a challenge: complete 101 preset tasks in 1001 days. Hollis did not, however, send me his list of 101 preset tasks. Therefore, I propose that we all endeavor to set his task list for him. In the comments, please add to the list I've started below.
1.) Learn conversational esperanto.
2.) Attend a dogfight.
3.) Become proficient in French cookery.
4.) Start a jug band.
5)Attend a compulsive goal setters support group meeting.
6)Buy an island from Eric Estrada.
7)Learn to ride a unicycle while juggling flaming batons.
9)Streak during a public event, i.e. red sox game or televised presidental debate (Moss can advise you re: this).
10)Stay up past 9:00 p.m. at the Vonesh's Annual Fourth of July Campout.
11) Pose for a nude photograph for a fashionable women's magazine.
12) Run with the bulls and publish an account of your manly adventure by writing it in your own blood on the hide of wild boar.
13) Sing an Itallian aria from the table top of a crowded ethnic restaurant.
14) Run for public office in a town or state in which you have no legal status. When you are discovered by the local media to be a fraud, declare marshal law and seize control of the nearest public building.
15) Establish your own number system. Begin pang your creditors using this new method of accounting. Feign insanity when they reject your 12@0 yrkle payments.
16) Sing a song of six pence a poketfull of Rye. Go ahead, try to do this.
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