His real name is Freddie. It's on his birth certificate.
I know, it's very immature of me to point this out ( but you expected mature after the post of Hillary with stainless steel claws on her thighs?) You have to admit, "Freddie" does lack a certain---gravitas. And it makes me giggle. Freddie will handle the situation. Freddie's gonna kick some ass. Freddie's got his finger on the button.
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it." - Freddie Thompson as Admiral Painter, The Hunt for Red October
I would be very worried a aging Freddie as president would start confusing reality whith the various wartime movies he's played in.
- One fudge-i-cal please
This calls for the posting of at least one song from the late great Freddie and the Dreamers ...... but sady i have been unabe to find a viable link to any version of their late 60's hit.
Personally, I'm grateful that his name is Freddie, cause otherwise just think of the headlines: "Frederick of Hollywood - New American President." And Victoria Secret could be his running mate. He'd probably get elected, wouldn't he?
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