"The Pain on Main's felt mainly on the soccer field... I betcha."
By George, I think she's got it!
Okay, okay... I'm stretching it a little, forcing the metaphor. Sarah Palin did well. No major gaffes, she connected well with the camera, she had her talking points down, there was no major blood letting. Well done, Guv'nor. And a "well done," "a pip pip cheerio," and a "cup cup cup cup of of of of tea tea tea tea" to the Henry Higginses of the McCain camp. My only complaint--I just wish I had my Palin Bingo card while I was watching:

This just in -- the top secret debate flowchart:

Well....she was perky, articulate and folksy. She even winks with some skill. If we want to elect Norma Rae she is worthy of consideration. But how low do we set the bar for considering someone qualified to lead the country? She won if the test was to appear more intelligent than whoever played the role of Sarah in the Couric interviews. She succeeded in reducing the number of jokes which will be made about her during the next news cycle. If she's running for Vice-President of the Pep Club, she's got my vote (though I'm worried she may turn out to be one of those "mean girls".)Biden, in contrast, seemed to be sitting at the "grown-ups" table. He was presidential. He gave nuanced sophisticated answers to the questions which were asked. He didn't patronize Palin or the voters. He clearly won the VP debate, bur Sarah didn't show up for that debate. She was playing to the conservative base which is feeling less panicked about her today. She also aimed at the undecided middle of the country. I don't think she did enough to sway many of those voters. They are too freaked out about the economy to elect the head of the PTA to run the country. It's now back to McCain who is looking crankier than ever...and I don't think that will play either.
PS: ...you do understand the 'enry 'iggins has lost his marbles and that we are considering Eliza Doolittle for the Presidency? McCain has left the building. The first sign was his folding to the religious right in picking Palin. The second sign was hiring Bush's attack team to manage his attack campaign. (He seems to have forgotten about his imaginary illigitimate black child from South Carolina.) And the latest sign was his charge back to Washington to bail out the country. (Does anyone remember Teddy Roosevelt in Arsenic and Old Lace?)And if you still have doubts, watch his interview with the Des Moine Register. He looks like he's ready to bite someone's leg off. Be afraid people.....vote often!
"PDS" now trumps "BDS".
If the McCain camp starts using her to make Swift Boat attacks on Obama, I say sic Biden on her and show lots of picture of her covered in blood from dead animals she killed.Have Biden taunt her by asking her what DID she do with the $223 Million that she got for the Bridge to Nowhere that she DIDN'T put up and how come she and her husband are millionaires on her salary?
(wink, Wink)
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