"Who are you calling a pig, Mister?!"Barack calls Sarah a pig.. or does he? Click
here. Jane Swift thinks so. That must make it right.
Let me just think this through... If my husband and I are having a conversation with our neighbor, and our neighbor uses the expression, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," and my husband jumps up and yells, "That's a terrible thing to say about my wife!"...
Who do you think I'm gonna be mad at?If I were Sarah, I'd smack John on the back of the head.

Just sayin'...
It's a direct hit on Palin, meant to get a rise out of people, either a chuckle or a gasp, but definitely stick around, but she had it coming to her with her insulting and condescending speech she made at the RNC. See, the Repugs love to dish it out and love to fight back when it's on them. It's their typical game of distracting with stupid petty shit, so no one with call them on the hard core stuff. They put out the Whoa, Whoa the Democrats are going to raise your taxes stuff, because that stupid line has worked for them in the past. If you listen to McCain stump on the trail, he just repeats his same old shit and when there is no response he brings up Palin for claps. Then she gets up there and does another version of her Intro speech and her RNC speech. Don't they know that the punch line only works once? Jesus!
Where's Carville when you need him?
What Obama should have said was, "Put Lipstick and an updo on McCain and what do you have? BUSH!"
(I should send that along to the Obama camp. : )
Jane Swift SHOULD be offended. She gave pigs a bad name. : )
That 275 pound porker who spent 3 1/2 hours in her Governor Limo GOING to the State House and 3 1/2 hours going home and calling it a full time job, is a great symbol of Republican indulgence if I ever saw one.
(love these blogs :)
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