Seriously. When I saw The Fist Bump at the speech Tuesday night, I really did say to myself "Aw. They're just like us!" (Except we call it a "pound, dawg," since we got it from Scrubs.) So I guess we are the subject of this article! (Click here.) Oh, here's another article claiming it's an African American thing, and it's called "dap." Oh, and here it's a "Hezbollah Style fist-jabbing."
By the way, if this cool, hip way of relating has filtered down to us 40-something nerdy types (I'm including the Obamas along with Mr.&Mrs. Mind Your Own Reality in that group,) you know it must be passé.

By the way, still PILFy.
OK, I'm a 60 something geezer what does P I L F stand for?
Danny: It's a take-off on the popular MILF, which means Mother I'd Like to Fool-around-with (it's a family show.) In the case of PILF, substitute "President" for "Mother."
See MILF here:
PS I was hoping that I coined a new (although totally ripped off) phrase in "PILF," but CURSES! It's already in urbandictionary.com. The example sentence is:
"Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina is a total PILF."
Look her up in google images. I'd do her.
I knew what "MILF" was the "PLIF" confused this old timer. BTW, Cristina Fernández de KirchnerIs a MILF FOR SURE!!
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