The Right Brain vs Left Brain Test. If you see dancer rotating clockwise, you are right-brained (creative), counter-clockwise, left-brained (logical).
Click on the picture to start the dancer spinning.
Which way does she turn for you?
For me she started by going counter-clockwise, but now I can see clockwise. I have achieved enlightenment! Unga la gunga.
PS I stole this from Charles' blog. I can't find the original website, but some have attributed it here.
That Dancers HOT do you have any that flip over.
What dancer?
Has generated much discussion here.....When I look at this, sometimes she is turning in a clockwise direction and sometimes she is turning in a counter-clockwise direction. What do you suppose that means? Hollis sees her turning only in a clockwise direction, and thinks that I am nutty.
I'm sorry, mysterious silhouette girl is always spinning clockwise. How you daft left brainers see otherwise is beyond me. Next your going to say that you see some guy and not a hottie. In that case see the dumbledore article....not that there is anything wrong with that.
here in moss land we see her turning sometimes clockwise, sometimes counterclockwise. Kathleen claims to be able to change the direction. Sometimes I can as well, but I can't explain how. surprisingly we are low on alcohol here at the home.
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