Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Donate your taco!!
If you're not into tacos, some folks have setup a website where you can request that the financial equivalent of your taco can be donated to the American Red Cross. Go here to do that: www.donateyourtaco.com
And pass it on!!
PS I was going to say something about how Jacoby is so much hotter than a taco, but I can't make it come out right.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Can we get this girl a sandwich or something?
According to the story, she quit her multi-million dollar Victoria's Secret gig to spend more time with him, and all he can think about is football and the Baybeee (his two month old son John with ex Bridget Moynahan.) So the guy's trying to work it out with his ex so he can see little Johnny, he's trying to take the Pats to The Bowl, and he's trying to keep his supermodel girlfriend from getting like so bored. DON'T GET ME WRONG! On another day, I will rant about how he made this bed (knocking up a beautiful actress and taking up with a supermodel in the space of a pregnancy seems, uh, perhaps a teeny bit self-centered.) But THIS IS FOOTBALL SEASON! And maybe I don't know a tight end from a loose end, but I am just getting to know the joy of an undefeated season, a fairy land which makes every Sunday feel like a playoff game. So I've gotta say to you Gisele: Leave Tom Alone!
Stop nagging him, pestering him, and stop sapping his man strength. WE need him. You can have him back for Valentine's Day.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
The coolest thing ever
The Right Brain vs Left Brain Test. If you see dancer rotating clockwise, you are right-brained (creative), counter-clockwise, left-brained (logical).
Click on the picture to start the dancer spinning.
Which way does she turn for you?
For me she started by going counter-clockwise, but now I can see clockwise. I have achieved enlightenment! Unga la gunga.
PS I stole this from Charles' blog. I can't find the original website, but some have attributed it here.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Truthiness in the NYTimes
Note: if the Times asks you to sign in, and you don't want to put in your info, go to bugmenot.com
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Testosterone Injection
So I am pleased to give this to all you manly men out there. Thank you for visiting my blog. I give you RiceGirl-- a naked, Asian, possibly drunk, California-girl who likes to talk about the Patriots! (Sounds like Christmas mornin', don't it?) Enjoy, boys:
Something made me embed this video.. as if I were in a magical trance...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
It's Happy Fun Ball!
And now, your moment of Zen...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hail to the Hill?
"With her passing, Ethel's final wish was ultimately granted when she did not have to see Hillary Clinton become president."Herald columnist Margery Eagan laments, "But the rest of us Hillary loathers may not be so lucky. Few of us are 94. And mass suicide, while tempting, is not, really, an option."
Margery's column, "Dark clouds from Iowa presage Hillary victory"
Thoughts on Columbus Day
One thousand years ago today — or Friday, the 12th — a terrible slave-trading murderer/imbecile who did not even know how to spell his own name, which is Latin for “asshole,” landed at the “Sandals” resort in Puerto Rico or some such Caribbean island and thought he was in Bangalore. What an idiot!
There is no political news today and the Capitol is vacant and even The Capitolist is quiet all because Cristóbal Colón basically did not know math and mistakenly went to the Bahamas because the Islamofascists had cut off the road to India, where Europe outsourced all the white people’s jobs. (Previously, Genghis Khan was a NAFTA signatory so it was all fine, until the Muslims!)
Seriously, Columbus was retarded. To his death, he was convinced the mountains of Cuba were the fucking Himalayas. George W. Bush is smart compared to Christopher Columbus, that’s how stupid Columbus was.
So on his third journey to the “Wrong India” he set up a death camp for all the “Indians” who were actually Carib tribespeople known for their colorful reggae hats and “ganja.” He killed all of those people and also many Spaniards, who finally overthrew his cruel regime and sent his ass back to Spain, where he became a total Jesus Freak and spent the rest of his life bumming people out, the end.
To this day, hippies have protests against “Killumbus” landing in the Bahamas 515 years ago, because marching around with signs is a very effective form of going back in time and killing Columbus.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Don't Tase Me, Bro!
"Just two days after it was yelled out in a University of Florida lecture hall, "Don't Tase Me, Bro!" has become the newest cultural touchstone of our pop-cultural lexicon."
The video is still jaw-dropping to me. It is awesome (in the most literal sense of that word) that the video has made the rounds of the internet the way it has. If you're interested, follow the links from the wired story to some of the response videos. "Little bitches like that need to get tasered a lot more often" from a soldier in Iraq. Or this one, which, well, I'll just let you go see it.
Find yourself in the cartoon below. (Click on the image to enlarge.) The most horrifying thing about this whole event-- I think I'm the one who forgot the Sun Chips!:
CEOs want emissions cuts more than Prez does?
Why does big business want this, you ask?
From the article:
Why? Because many CEOs are now convinced that curbs on emissions of fossil fuels and other greenhouse gases are inevitable. What they need more than anything is long-term certainty about the price that will be put on carbon emissions, so they can start planning now. If the cost of carbon will be high, for instance, it makes no sense to build new coal plants. Instead, it would be better for utilities to put their investment into wind, solar, and other non-fossil fuel sources. Once those policy signals about the price of carbon are in place, the needed technology will be developed quickly.
Indeed, the European Union and other parts of the world have already committed to reducing emissions by signing on to the Kyoto Protocol. That, in turn, has created a market for carbon emissions and emissions-reductions technology that the U.S. is largely missing out on. Former President Bill Clinton said on Monday that the U.S. has missed the biggest job-creation engine in years by ignoring the need to combat climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. "It's economic folly for the U.S. not to be participating in the carbon markets," says Kate Hampton, head of policy at Climate Change Capital, an investment banking group in Britain. Investors have poured $5 billion into cleaner projects around the world, in order to get credit for the resulting emissions reductions, she says. While the U.S. twiddles its thumbs, "others are out there hoovering up the cheap carbon credits," she says. And if the world now backs away from mandatory rules, "it would put those billions of capital at risk," she says.
Is anyone else really nervous?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
MBS Bailey
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of ... By Ellery Bicknell Crane
Patterson's College and School Directory of the United States and Canada By Homer L. Patterson
Patterson's College and School Directory of the United States and Canada By Homer L. Patterson
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hillary's Cleavage???
Apparently the good folks at Google keep track of the type of searches we make, and therefore have a pretty interesting picture of the political Zeitgeist...
The Mom Overture
-ARE-YOU-CHOKING?!" and I especially can't believe that she didn't include "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm getting a migraine!!"
But other than that, I guess it's okay.
:) Thanks, Nanc and Ali.