Friday, August 31, 2007

Larry Craig arrested for "peeing while gay?"

I spent some time reading the charges against the senator, and the rumors about his years of gay behavior, and the commentary, and today I listened to the tape of his police interrogation.

Do I believe he was trying to solicit a date in the bathroom? Well, I wouldn't have believed it a couple of days ago, but as I said, I've just had a little tutorial in bathroom signals (that is "stall tactics") and so yeah, I guess he probably was cruising. But what I question is, should the guy be arrested for the behavior? Yeah, it's bizarre behavior... but is it a crime? I've read some commentary which likens it to "driving while black." They call it "peeing while gay." Bottom line: he looked at the cop, he sat down in the stall next to the cop, he brushed the cop's foot with his and stuck his hand under the stall in a gay signal. Regardless of your political affiliation- do you think he should be arrested for that? And as one blogger pointed out, why didn't he use the "I-was-just-looking-for-a-square-to-spare" defense?

Here's the tape:

And Keith Olbermann:
Keith Olbermann's Dragnet

My favorite just-so-wrong but oh-so-funny blogger comment I've seen in my surfing:

"Quick, Robin! To the Bat-Room!"

"Holy innuendo, Batman! What if there's an undercover officer?"

"No worries, chum. I'll just use the secret foot-tapping code, signaling in Morse code, 'I-AM-NOT-GAY'".

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Call me melonie

"I carried a watermelon." definition:

1. I carried a watermelon.

From Jennifer Grey's character, Baby in Dirty Dancing when she was talking to Patrick Swayze's character, Johnny and holding a watermelon. Used when you're talking to someone you like and say something completely embarrassing.

Crush: Hey, what's going on?
You (holding watermelon): I carried a watermelon!

Note: I've carried a watermelon my whole life. And yes, I watched "Dirty Dancing" last night. Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

This just in: Tucker Carlson Not Gay

and he and his not gay buddy will beat the snot out of anyone who thinks he is.


Maybe that's why he gave up the bow ties?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Holy Grail!

We seek the Grail, but we cannot find it anywhere! Join our Quest! Find the elusive Coors Light mini refrigerator keg and the draughty goodness found therein, and please a whole host of knights errant!

(Please post sightings in the comments section. Thank you.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm an organic apple grower!

So my best pal Hort came over today, and we had our kids in the pool, and when they all got hungry Hort helped them pick apples off the trees in my yard. I was stunned. Okay, so a little confession: we've lived in this house for 10 years and we've got probably six apple trees, a peach and a pear, and I've never eaten any of the fruit. I don't spray the trees, so they are organic, which I know is a good thing, but... the fruit looks organic. I know it's a little princessy of me but I've become accustomed to-- and darn it, I just expect-- perfect apple specimens, round and red, pesticized, homogenized and genetically engineered. Organic is daunting. So I was trying to resist, but as the kids were crunching away--yeah, I have no shame; I let the children be the guinea pigs-- and as they were eating, I felt...envy. And I smelled those apples--fresh, ripe, warm-from-the-sun-- and I had to have one! So I did something genuinely brave then: I picked one, ran into the house, washed, peeled, cut it up and inspected every inch, and you know what? I enjoyed it. Sure, as I was eating I was nagged by those old back-to-school posters in elementary school, with the smiley green worm in a hat poking his head out of the apple and saying "Welcome!" But he never showed. Amazing.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Rudy Can't Fail?

The ClashRudy Can't Fail

Um, yeah he can...

Time maggie has already started the skewering: Behind Giuliani's Tough Talk.
I thought they'd wait a while, engage in that favorite of media sports, puffing the celebrity up before gloriously shooting him down with millions of tiny flaming arrows. But I guess they've decided Rudy's puffed up enough already.

Don't go killin' all the bees II

Are toxic herbicides being sprayed in your neighborhood? They are in mine! Follow the link and use the handy-dandy map to find out where you can get nausea, eye soreness, and 12-hour erections in your area! (Okay. I made up that last part...)
Handy-Dandy Map

Speaking of the candidates' spouses...

Why Dennis Kucinich, you sly little minx, you. I had no idea.

The First Gentleman?

Here's an interesting article from The Economist about the potential first ladies, er, people.

It is clear, too, that the big winners from the debate will be the couple who pioneered the “two-for-one” model of the presidency. The array of second and third wives on the Republican side makes it more difficult for the Republicans to dwell on Mr Clinton's indiscretions (at least the couple stayed together). The Giulianis will provide a particularly rich target in any tit-for-tat claims of spousal abuse. And the fact that all the candidates are giving their partners a big role in their campaigns makes it less remarkable that Mrs Clinton is relying on the former president. The gods are smiling on the Clintons once again.

Link to Economist article

John From Cincinnati Cancelled?!!

One week after the season finale HBO cancels the show? Those bastards! I wouldn't have hung in there for all the riddles if I had known that I'd never get the answers! Mother of God, Cass-Kai!

Hey, HBO: If you're after gettin' the honey, then you don't go killin all the bees! Know what I'm sayin'?

The Art Fairy's new book

The Art Fairy wrote a book and gave me Senior Editor credit. I guess that makes me a Fairy Book Editor.

Here's a link to the Fairy's book:

You Be The Artist